The British Empire's two decades of humanitarianism (ending in 1857)

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Messages : 1
Inscription : ven. août 23, 2019 10:13 pm

The British Empire's two decades of humanitarianism (ending in 1857)

Message non lupar Gabar » ven. août 23, 2019 10:16 pm

Hello everyone,,
In the book I'm reading right now (Vincent O'Malley's The Great War for New Zealand), it briefly mentions the Indian Mutiny of 1857. It says the mutiny "marked the end of the two-decade period in which humanitarian ideals were a prominent, perhaps even dominant, feature of the imperial project. The British Empire thereafter took on a harsher, more militaristic tone".

I'm interested because that would place the Treaty of Waitangi (1840) around the start of this period.

What brought about this period of humanitarianism? What are some examples of these ideals and how they were put into practise?

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